The Southside Tool Library


Book your tools by midnight the day before collection 


*** CHANGE TO LATE FEES FROM 1ST JUNE 2024 - Please read the information below about late fees 


How it works:

1. Create an account online (click the link at the top of this page and read and sign the member's agreement)

2. Reserve your tools by midnight the day before collection

3. Collect your tools during tool library opening times: Bring two pieces of ID - one photo ID and the other showing your name and address as in your myturn account when you come to collect your tools for the first time.

4. Use your tools for the period of your loan

5. Return your tools during tool library opening times which are Wednesdays: 3-7pm an Saturdays: 10-2pm


How much does it cost?

Standard membership is £30 per year, concession membership is free if you are in receipt of benefits* or in full-time education (please bring proof of eligibility for the free membership when you come to collect your tools for the first time). There is no charge to borrow each item.

You can buy or renew your membership through your MyTurn account. We also take cash or card in person.

*except child benefit


How do I borrow tools?

Tools need to be reserved on myturn by midnight the day before collection. 

Browse the full inventory by clicking on ‘Inventory’ at the top of this page. Select the dates you would like to borrow tools over and then add each tool to your cart by clicking the ‘Reserve’ button. 

When you've finished adding all the tools you need click ‘Submit’ so the reservation comes through to us.


Where do I pick up and return tools?

We are based at South Seeds, 514 Victoria Road (the end nearest Queen's Park). Collection and return of borrowed items is during tool library hours only (Weds 3-7 and Sat 10-2) - please don't try to return items when the tool library is closed as staff are very busy and don't have access to myturn to check the tools in.


How long can I borrow tools for?

Tools can be borrowed for up to 2 weeks at a time, except mowers and trimmers which can be borrowed for up to 1 week at a time.


Can I renew tools?

No, you will need to bring them back by the due date. 

If something unexpected and unavoidable comes up which means you can't return tools on time please email us to let us know at Not doing this will inconvenience other borrowers who have reserved the tool after you.


What happens if I return tools late?

Please don't! But unfortunately it does happen so here is our late fees policy:

Late fees are £1 per power tool and 50p per all other items, charged for each day we are open.

Our late fees policy is designed to encourage members to return their items on time. This is because when a tool is not returned by its due date, it inconveniences other tool library members who had reserved it after this date. They had all their tools and materials lined up to work on a project and now can’t do it because the previous borrower didn’t return the item on time. 

This puts people off from using the tool library again which, ultimately, may jeopardise the tool library's chances of gaining funding to continue running in future.


Can I send someone else to pick up my tools?

If it is the first time you have reserved tools you will need to come to the tool library yourself to show your photo ID and proof of address and complete your membership registration.

If you have already shown your ID, you can send someone else to pick up your tools just please email us to let us know. For insurance reasons we can only allow members or people who we know are authorised by members to take away tools.


How can I be a responsible borrower?

1 - Return your tools on time and 2- only reserve tools if you know you will be able to pick them up! 

If something unexpected and unavoidable comes up which means you can't do either of these please email us to let us know at Not doing this will inconvenience other borrowers who have reserved the tool after you or who would have liked the tool you reserved but didn't pick up.

Please also return your tools only during tool library opening hours, not at other times when the South Seeds office is open. South Seeds staff are super busy and don't have access to myturn to check tools in.


What happens if I don't pick up my tools on the reservation start date?

Your reservation will be cancelled so that other members have a chance to borrow the tools. Members who reserve items and don't pick them up on 3 or more occasions will have their membership suspended. 

Reserving items and not picking them up is inconsiderate to other members who may have wanted to borrow those items.


How do I know the tools are safe to use?

It is super important to us that we do all we can to make sure the tools in our inventory are safe to use and work as intended. Our maintenance technician tests all power tools for electrical safety and function after every loan. All other power tools get a visual check.


Do you take donations of tools?

At the moment (May 2024 until further notice) we don't have the capacity to take any donations, unless they are a really high quality branded item which we know will be popular with our members - if you are unsure, please phone/email to check before dropping them off.


What is South Seeds?

South Seeds is a community environmental charity which exists to benefit people living on the Southside of Glasgow. 

Find out more about South Seeds at The Southside Tool library is a project run by South Seeds.

We are funded by the National Lottery Community Fund
We are a member of Circular Communities Scotland
Happy Southside Tool Library window box workshop participants showing off the window boxes they made
The Southside Tool Library is located within South Seeds on Victoria Rd. This is the entrance to South Seeds.
Here you can see the location of the Southside Tool Library at 514  Victoria Rd